What I started noticing in my reading is that physical input is helpful, and by creating a cocoon or shell around the body, it can help with rest. One thing that can be done is to invest in a weighted blanket. Another idea is to sleep in a sleeping bag. We tried this with Frank, but he just slipped right out. So, I kept thinking and finally decided that perhaps modifying an existing item would work. I picked up a Snuggie (for under five dollars) at a Thrift Store. And in a few minutes, I refashioned it into something that Frank has found to be very functional and helpful for his sleep.
- Snuggie type blanket
- Sewing Machine (or hand held needle)
- Pins & Scissors
- 12" of elastic
- Large Safety Pin or Bodkin (for threading elastic)
1 - Spread out the Snuggie, inside (seam side) up.

2 - Fold the sides over so that they overlap in the center and pin the top two layers (just the sides) from the bottom up.

3 - Stop pinning about 1/3 of the way from the top.

4 - Sew ONLY the side layers (now in the center front) together. You will have to push the back of the Snuggie out of your way. I just start at the top edge and scrunch the fabric up around my sewing machine as I go. Be patient and work the material smooth for about 10"-12" at a time. I find that my "three step" zig-zag holds up a little more on the stretchy knit, but a straight stitch of hand-stitch will work fine too.

5 - Lay the Snuggie out, and smooth the bottom edge. Center the seamed front, and pin the bottom edge.

6 - Starting about 8" in, sew across the bottom edge. Slow down and carefully work your way over the large lump in the center. Stop sewing about 8" from the other side.

7 - By leaving the two openings on the sides, you have created a double benefit... feet can stick out for walking, or just to get some cool air it gets a little warm.

8 - Look at the top hem. If it is closed, make a careful slit through one layer of the fleece, just large enough for the elastic to fit in.

9 - Using the bodkin or safety pin, feed the piece of elastic through the top hem.

10 - Secure the elastic at each edge of the top hem by stitching through all layers.

11 - Try it on for size. You may need to sew a little more (or less) of the front center closed, depending on how much wiggle room you like. My boys like there Snuggie's open about to their waist, which allows room to get in AND for air when they are a little warm.

At other times, they completely cover themselves, pulling the top edge over their heads.

My boys are in the four to five foot range of height, and this works well for them. If this were for someone taller and they want the ability to cover their head, a small piece of cloth may need to be attached to the top for a hood.
I have been quite delighted with this solution for my son. He has responded very well to his Snuggie, and is very protective of it... so much so that I had to make a second one for my youngest, because the eldest would never share his... at all. He even likes to wear it around during the day and will often bury himself on the couch in it. It provides him with an easy way to withdrawal when he needs some quiet time.
On a related note, we are currently working on creating a Weighted Blanket for my eldest... and I am sure that my youngest will then want one too. Of course, since my boys have grown up with fabrics and quilts, they want A LOT of fabrics in their blankets... so I think I will have to call ours Weighted Sensory Quilts. :D
As ever, please let me know if you try this project and how it works for you and yours.
Oh yes. And one other thing that has worked well for Frank is to sleep in a folding cot... without the inflatable insert. Again, it creates a restrictive, tight feeling around him. An idea I've had but have yet to implement is for him to sleep in a hammock... hung right in his room. I look forward to trying it for him. He just seems to sleep easier when he can bundle up tightly... but he is also warm-natured and doesn't want a lot of warmth, just restriction.