Friday, June 12, 2009

Things I Have Remembered

Slow and steady wins the race.
While my pant size has been changing, my weight has remained about the same. Now though, I've noticed a definite difference in my endurance, quality of sleep, and general overall feeling.

Exercise makes me feel good.
Yesterday I ran. Actual running. Just down and up my street, but as I spontaneously did it, it felt so great! I remembered that I use to "Run for Fun" all the time. I think I'll start again.

Following my body's natural sleep rhythm helps me be more productive.
Even if everyone around me thinks I'm nuts to start getting up at five in the morning again!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    That natural adrenaline is kicking into your body system, that's great and as always a scientifically proven mood lifter and stress elevator, being outside is the best, I am so glad that God made such a beautiful world, and it's all natural, no mumbo jumbo or fake feel good method! Wyogirl1
