I can see that the quilt is nearly done, but I really have worn myself out. I've been doing normal things, plus designing and sewing this quilt. It's just kickin' my butt!
Here's a little sneak peak at the blocks...
I've really been enjoying working with these fabrics! I enjoy or have wanted to make quilts with the following color themes:
Red, White, & Blue
Red, White, & Black
Caribbean - Blue, Aqua, & Green
Turquoise & Red
Pink & Brown
This quilt has all of those combination. It's turning out to be a very happy, cheerful quilt!
My mental ramblings, pattern design progress (wait a minute! I'm "designing patterns"? I forgot I was suppose to be doing that!!!), newer Wyoming Life, and other assorted comments as they come screaming downstream from my brain to my fingers to the keyboard! You never know what you're gonna get.
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