A few of our favorites were:
Tractor Pulls
This was the first thing Jack wanted to do... ride in the John Deere Tractor Races. There were no lines at the horse ride, but he HAD to do this first! For some reason, I REALLY notice his (first lost) missing tooth in this photo!
Duck Races
Jack was just as interested in how the water came out of the pump as he was in getting ducks into and down the channel.
Hiding around the Patch
Frank jumped out of the car and ran off with his friend. Eventually, they gathered the friend we drove over with and the three boys ran all over the Patch. I'd see them from time to time, but mostly, they were "being shown the best places to hide." Even though we'd been here before, and the patch was full of homeschoolers we know, I definitely had moments of pause as I allowed Frank to begin stretching his wings of independence. Parental Growing Pains, I suppose.
Horse Rides
Finally, Jack decides to ride the horses... and so did everyone else. He patiently waited his turn in this line too.
Jack didn't remember riding our family's horse, Midnight, in Wyoming (he was just three (or maybe two) at the time). Perhaps he'll remember this ride?
Frank remembers riding his great-Grandad's horse, Duke, WITH his Dad... I guess this is the first time they've been on a horse alone.
Most kids put the horse shoe on the corral rails. Frank is so tall, she had him put the horse shoe above the gate.
We also tried Bean Bag Tosses, Scarecrow Dressing, Corn and Hay Mazes, and Digging in the Corn Crib (full of dry, shucked corn, like a sand box).
I really should take the boys back for another bit of play, they enjoyed themselves tremendously.
After looking at this, I guess I forgot to take pictures of the actual pumpkins!
PS: This is post number 444 (and still counting!) I always notice the weird numbers like this.