Today, for the second time I have had a photo published on the front page of our newspaper. This week, for the second time, I said a variation of “I am going to have a photo on the front page” ALOUD. Two front page pictures and two verbal statements that it would be so. Hmm… I see a connection!
Today’s photo excites me for two other reasons, it is artistic AND a story was published along with it.
When I say it is artistic, what I mean is that my photographic forte has been artistic first and portraiture second, only recently adding journalistic to the mix. Journalistic photography tends to be different (to me), in that is usually is more raw and rough. The paper has published a few photos that I feel were portraiture or artistic, but usually, when I look through the folder I keep of photos published, my artistic eye thinks “blah!” Today’s photo documents a story, and tells a story, but I also like the balance and color and lines I see in it. Here, let me show you what I mean…
Boring front page photo:
Artistic front page photo:
See how the curving line of snow and ice pulls you through the photo? How it’s rough and bumpy and bright, while the
As far as there being a story. Every other photo which has been published has had a caption under it, but nothing more. Last summer, when I first spoke with the publisher of the paper about submitting photos, she indicated that if I sent in a photo that moved them, they might expand on it by sending out a reporter to do a story. Today’s photo HAS A STORY! On the front page! The story is about the winter weather clean-up that the city does every year, often in January. It’s a first for the story, AND it made it to the front page too! Whoo-hoo!!!
What’s interesting to me about submitting these photojournalistic photos is not only the challenge of finding and taking a compelling image, but also the randomness of it. I recently compared it to gambling, for while I might take a truly interesting and great photograph, if there’s another story that’s more interesting, my photo may never make it to print. There’s a bit of mystery in waiting to see if and when my photos will appear. This photo was actually taken and submitted five days ago; it just now became significant enough (and complete enough with the story) to find the space on a printed page.
Another thing of note is that I’m thrilled EVERY time I see one of my photos in the paper (like this one of frost from last Sunday)...
I get happy and excited every time a photo is published.
Here's another one from last Sunday that was also taken on a morning of beautiful frost...
Though I’ve only woken the family jumping and screaming with the first front page photo, they all make me happy and smiley for the rest of the day.
What do you do that brings you joy every time you accomplish it? Is there something you’ve been dreaming of and have yet to try? I challenge you to go out and start doing it, but first, make certain to speak aloud to others “I am ____” and then go forward, knowing you will succeed!
I love your photos! And I'm moving that you are doing what moves you.
Finding such satisfaction in your daily existance is great. I challange you to write a story around one of your picture to send in while you are on your inturnship. I know you can not break the confidance of the Legislature, but I am sure you can sort something out. Maybe the day in a life of an Inturn, How JFreedom starts, ect
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