I've been knitting so much this week that my hands have literally dropped the needles. I've also been enjoying knitting as never before. Why then is everything feeling like it's flopping and needs to be frogged (a knitting term for ripping something out, you know "rip-it, rip-it")? Do I dare rip all my work out and start over?
My Swyaze Socks. My socks, mine. The first is ready to bind off, and guess what... they don't fit. I can't get them on. So, do I send them off to an Aunt and mourn my lost yarn or do I frog them and mourn the lost sock and time?
My Sunrise, Sunset Shawl. I LOVED the first yarn. I don't like the second. I've also realized I just don't have enough yarn to finish the pattern the way I've done it. So, do I frog a whole 170+ yards and change the pattern? Do I add the first color back in? Do I keep going and see how big it is, then add more of the darker color at the end, by the faded color?
Why do I expect *everything* to be perfect? Can't I just let something go and be imperfect? Would I be able to enjoy the finished object, or would it ALWAYS bother me?
On a positive note, I am making progress on some projects for my Mom and her friend's costumes for the Arizona Renaissance Festival. They run a play place for kids called "Toy Island", and all three members of the troop wear red and yellow. I'm working on quilted hats, knitted mitts, and here is one of the crocheted scarves for them...
Thanks for listening to my rambling. Last week I was so excited by my knitting and this week it all feels like a flop! ;P
there are no mistakes just learning experances. learn and move on don't dwell. Love MOM
Don't frog those gorgeous socks yet, DON'T! Just try soaking them and then easing them into a bigger shape. Cut out cardboard blockers if you don't have any (but you live in the US, you have access to everything!) and slide the socks on. All is not yet lost!
Jo- Thanks for the stretching idea! I'm glad I brought this problem to the web! :D
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