A Crazy Creation by "Mommay"!

I'm quite proud of my funky little Lego vehicle.

The fact that the vehicle is still intact this evening says the boys also liked it!

Jack kindly allowed Tom and I to sleep in this morning, despite it's being his fifth birthday.

I use "sleep in" loosely, since I was up at 7:30 and Tom by 8:00.

We met some friends, and my Geology Professor, who's also an Anthropologist, was kind enough to give us a private, guided tour around the college's dinosaur exhibits.

While Jack usually loves the dinosaurs, he was looking a little tired, and kept wondering around.

We adults learned quite a few new things though, which we'll be able to share on future visits with the kids.

Jack enjoyed playing with his friends who came to celebrate with him, while we went about looking at the many free exhibits.

Jack wanted a brown (chocolate) inside and out cake "this big" (as far as his arms could stretch.)

I made a 9x13 cake, then cut it in thirds lengthwise and shoved them together on a foil covered board.

The design would have lent itself to a train, but since we were looking at the dinosaurs, we choose to put some dino toys on the cake so the kiddos could each have some toys.

I am always loving the faces (and sounds) this boy can make. I wonder if he'll be a comedian (I mean and get paid for it, for he's already perfecting his act!)

Even tired out, Jack is just always HAPPY!!!

Tic-Tac-Toe. Franks favorite way to wait at restaurants.

I picked up this Crayola "rubbing" toy in a Thrift Store last year for fifty-cents... it was one of Jack's favorite gifts! Gotta love that!!!

I missed the funny, foamy face in the mirror, but you get the idea of what it's like to brush kid's teeth.

When I returned from reading with and tucking the Birthday Boy in, I found Tom and Frank engaged in a Pokémon battle.
Hope you enjoy the pictures, sorry for the sparseness of anecdotes, but, as I said, I had just four hours sleep for the second time in three nights. I'm going to bed!