Hip-hip-hooray! Last night everyone had AT LEAST eight solid hours of sleep. Three kiddos woke up at 7 this morning, quite acceptable to me. :D
While Abbie's favorite pasttime seems to be squeaking as she chases the cats round-and-round, Alex tends to spend his time playing with the boys, mostly Jack. They're Mischeif Meter has been running a little lower (probably because the initial excitement of seeing eachother is wearing off).
While I was trying to find the best settings on my camera to take a picture of Alex and Jack looking at the tree,
(This wasn't the setting for taking a picture by the tree!)
Abbie snuck over to the other tree and pulled down the bucket of ornaments. Now, since these were ornaments I'd left out for your kiddos to "help" with, I just moved them to the middle of the room and let her at them...
...while I went back to trying to capture Alex's smile.
Suzy :D
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