The columns are all chain pieced. Next up: Pressing all of the new seams, then sewing the rows together. The blocks are 9" finished with eight across and ten down. So, at 72" x 90", I think it will make a nice "lap size" or small twin just as it is. I'm not planning on any borders.
I've been having so much trouble with my back, now I'm trying to decide between quilting it on the long arm or at home. At home I can do it in little bits at a time. The long arm would require less total time spent, but would be bigger time increments. Still trying to decide...
This evening the boys were both sitting on the sidewalk across the street. They were playing with a neighbor-boy, in the water collected during watering the lawn. Pretty soon, they discovered how to splash a football in the water.
When the older boys saw me coming, they ran for it. But not Jack, he just kept on going...

You can see the question in his eyes as he's about to throw the ball.

He had the most amazingly satisfied smile after each splash, which I was unable to capture fully.

And the finish...

Here's a little bit of that smile I was talking about...

One great splash calls for another...

Now, it's Frank's turn. He's always got to get in on the photography action...

Look how casually the neighbor-boy is watching Frank. Now, he's got to show off his stuff...

"Wait!" He says. "I can do better!"

Not to be outdone by his younger brother, the other boy joins in with the biggest Whopper of them all...

Taking pictures of and encouraging the boys to make a mess was a great way to end a day that I found myself stressing over and yelling at the boys too much in. They just wouldn't clean their room up and we're implementing the Accountable Kids program, and my back hurts and it's slow-going and I just get frustrated. So, taking and playing with these water splash pictures was a good thing.
I tried to take pictures of my fresh haircut (from today).

Same style as last month, I enjoyed watching they layers fall around my face differently.
The accountable kids program looks interesting but a bit pricey starting at $70 for 2 kids on the basic pack. I would only need one kit so it would be less expensive but still almost $50. I am intrigued...let me know how it works out for you. Thanks! :c)
So far we are enjoying it.
What kept me from the AK program (for the four years I've known about it) was the price. So. I ordered a used copy of the book (with the CD) for $18 shipped. Then I made my own supplies.
The cards I made using images I had and found. I used the chores I already had plus the list from the back of the book.
We just took some blank wood plaques and let the kids paint them, then I drew the pictures (I found in the book) above each peg with a Sharpie, finally, I sprayed a clear coat over the whole piece of wood. We used cuphooks and a regular hole punch for our cards. It's working out just fine and is a MUCH cheaper option! Also, it's more customizable.
If you are interested in trying it out, I'd recommend ordering the book and then making your own cards and peg rack/pocket system. :D
Iloved seeing the boys splashing away. They will dry but the pictures will be cherished forever.
hey suzy q--
fun pictures! enjoy those little guys. i finally added you to my links, so i'll quit losing you.
and to answer the question you asked forever ago, it was from the apron swap (i think).
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