I just spent the past hour and a half requesting my transcripts to be sent from my previous schools (HS + 4 Colleges). Can you believe that I've been to FOUR different colleges (2 Community Colleges and 2 Universities) and I've still never finished a Simple-Two-Year-Degree!?
It's been one of the biggest nagging things in my life. When I met Tom this was one of the first things he knew about me. He told me that I could go back to school after our children were weaned... which happened right before we moved to Wyoming. Then to wait for residency, and then life.
In any case, as of today, all the forms are filled out, checks written and letters mailed.
As I was going to the different sites and writing letters, I felt much more prepared to deal with the inevitable bureaucracies and forms and such that accompany school. I also know how to ask questions and make phone calls. Of course, I could do that before, but now I feel better prepared to follow through and make a degree happen.
I've been more motivated by the local college campus than any of the others I've ever been near... I can even see the school (and I think it's a nice looking building) out my back windows. I think that (plus all my local friends who've recently started back to school) will set me up for success! :D
Good for you Suzy! Way to go!
Congadulations on the new start. Good luck with the degree.
Congrats on taking this step. :c)
Are you planning to take day or night classes? If you do day classes will you need to enroll the boys in school or are you making other home-school arrangements? Are you taking 1 class at a time or more?
Details...I need details! :c)
Ahhh... I requested my transcripts and filled out my admissions application.
In 2-4 weeks, once the transcripts are in, I plan to go see a counselor at that point, to determine what credits are transferable and what program I can get through fastest. At this point, I don't really care... Psychology, Accounting, Mathematics, History, English, Management, WHATEVER... I just want that Bachelor's Degree!!!
Also, 2-4 weeks I'll start applying for scholarships and grants... maybe I'll even start that sooner.
I figure 2 classes at a time. Possibly an online and a live class. They have a children's center for students' toddlers, where Jack can go. Frank will either go to a neighbors' or sit with me or outside of my class. No matter where Frank goes, he can take his work with him and work on it while I'm in class... he does a lot of independent work already, so, we'll just plan that he do that type of work while I'm in class. Probably day classes because I'm not good at much in the evenings... I've always been a morning person. :D
You're going back to school, too?!!!! Fabtastic. I'll be doing the distance learning thing, too, at Prescott College. I was accepted a couple of months ago and am still waiting to hear about Financial Aid. I found out today that an award letter had been sent, so I'll find out today or tomorrow for how much.
It took us a while, but we're finally going back. Congrats!! I'll be blogging about this,too,so maybe we can keep each other's spirits up while we're tackling school life after so many years.
My first BA is going to be in Management with a competency (they refer to minors as competencies at this school) in non-profit. I want to open a non-profit writing center for teens here.
I then plan to go back and get a BA in Humanities with a competency in Creative Writing. Eventually, I'd like to get an MFA. I think. Anyhoo, congrats.
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