I spent the first 25 minutes cleaning up the sewing room (and made a marked improvement in the room). Then, in just 75 more minutes I finished up this project, which I started TWO YEARS AGO (when I cut it). TWO MONTHS AGO, I assembled the parts (insides with pockets, outside with padding, straps). Last night I quilted and assembled it. I learned/remembered two things:
1 - I must sew more often... I love it!So. I need to find time in my busy schedule to make sure I am spending time each day (because weekly goals seem to disappear) in my sewing room... which probably means I will sacrifice computer time.
2 - My current quilting setup is not as desirable as the one I would like to have... by way of a Juki sewing machine. The biggest problem (at least for small projects like this) is not the size of my machine, but the fact that the machine is slightly higher than the surrounding table-top. This is troublesome because I found a great tool to use (Quilter's Halo, by Sharon Schamber) but it works better when the area around the needle is flat. Hmm...
Anyway. Wanted to share a quick project completion in quick blog post.
You can buy a small plexiglass quilting table that fits around your machine. It is really helpful. Look for it in your quilting magazine, and sales books. I will try to find one for you and email the info
I have a sewing machine table that holds two machines. They are adjusted to be at the lower height of the machine throat. Trouble is that I want to use the Quilt Halo and it works best when the area is flat. The Husqvarna Viking Daisy sewing machine I have has a sloped throat. I don't think a plexiglass extension will help... only a different throat plate or a different method of quilting (basically, I have to go back to using my rubber gripped gloves (which work well, but not AS WELL as the halo.))
Thanks for the idea though!
Yes, yes, yes! We must do a little of that thing we love most in order to keep our sanity. Sewing doesn't always do it for me (knitting does!), but sometimes when I'm in my quilting mode I will go and start rotary cutting squares or piecing blocks and I go from cranky to zen pretty darn quick. When I realize that I've been grouchy or feeling out of sync, I just have to get back to the groove of fiber arts and I find my happy place again. Isn't it weird that we could ever forget?
p.s. There is definitely NO sewing zen for me in our little Greene Subway, but I'm sure eventually I've have space for it again. Scott graduates in just 8 months!
Marie- like your home's name! Way to go Scott! He's moving along quickly in his education progression!!! :D
Love the bag!wyogirl1
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