Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Movie Time - Hancock

Last night Tom and I went to a Special Engagement of Will Smith in Hancock. Since it was only playing one night, I mistakenly thought that it was at the end of it's run here and about to leave the theater. We were surprised to discover that we were in a Sneak Peek, Preview Showing. It was a very full house (though not packed). Even though it comes out today, the local theater will start playing it regularly next week ("small town").

Perhaps I should mention that I am a big Will Smith fan (though I haven't watched I Am Legend yet because it's so spooky/scary/sad.) In any case, like all of his movies that I've seen, I enjoyed this one too.

There was a Plot Twist that neither Tom nor I saw coming. I was good too!

Also, if you go to see it, stick around during the credits because there's an extra little bit during them.

Fun show! Glad I saw this action flick on the big-screen first. Enjoyed it. Might even go see it again... :D

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You should see I am Legend. Especially if you’re a Will Smith fan. I saw it in the theater, and you know I'm a total scaredy cat baby. We own it, but wished we would have bought the extended version because it has an alternate ending that we like better. I think we'll see Hancock on this Sunday.