Even with colds all-around today, here's what I accomplished:
- Made bed (easy)
- Sorted LOTS of laundry with Jack's help
- Washed, Dried, and Put away 3 loads with 1 more still drying (remember, my machine does about 2 to 2.5 "normal" loads... for example, one of my "permanent press" loads had 23 articles!)
- Unpacked and putaway all contents and suitcases - THREE suitcases worth.
- Unpacked another large shopping bag.
- Made Well Visit Appointment for Frank (actually, made it last Spring, but the Pediatrician left town, so I had to find another doctor and make a new appointment).
- Packaged and shipped two boxes to my Aunt.
- *Forgot* to pick up the mail at the Post Office when shipping the boxes... picking up our held mail was the whole reason we'd gone out! Whoops!!!
- Researched Halloween Costumes. Looks like I'll be sewing:
- Jack - Indiana Jones Pouch & Leather Coat
- Frank - Ash (Pokemon Trainer) Shirt & Hat & Gloves
- Jacob - Ash (Pokemon Trainer) Shirt & Hat & Gloves (I'll just cut and sew these at the same time, Jacob's a size smaller, so, I'll probably serge a bigger seam allowance to make his a touch smaller).
- Ariana - Witches Costume - My neighbor friend wants to learn to sew and her daughter wants to be a witch. Mom doesn't want a "normal" tunic witch with a green face. She wants something cute and spunky. The costume she likes is quite pricey ($70). So. Desire + Deadline = Perfect teaching opportunity.
- Had School Bookwork Time with Frank

- Cleaned out the boys' clothes. This was a biggie for me! It included:
Eliminating a whole laundry basket of size 3.
Loaning another basket full of size 6 clothes to Jacob.
Emptying four boxes (with smiley faces).
Sorting "keep" clothes by size and season, then folding and storing in smiley face boxes, with labels.
Sorting through four pair of cowboy boots to find a pair for Jack and one for Jacob to wear.
Hanging up all the new winter clothes I just bought and/or had on-hand.
- Dishes
- Garbage
- Visited with neighbor for an hour.
- Watched Pokemon movie with boys - TWICE! (We weren't feeling well).
- Editing and uploading at least 2 dozen photos to have printed for Aunt Lou.
- Called and talked with my Mom.
I *guess* that about does it for today!
1 comment:
I wish I did a fourth of that list in a day. You been busy girl
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