Frank's infection has returned and it's "Bigger than Ever!"This morning the site swelled back up. I took him to the local clinic. I cleaned the wound and opened it back up. The Lab Tech delicately took a small sample while saying "we don't do this, the doctor does"; then refused to give me any more cotton swabs for me to finish cleaning the site, saying and "we don't have any Q-Tips!" Let's just hope this sample gets properly cultured so we know what we're dealing with!Frank is going back on the same oral antibiotic that we used three weeks ago. I insisted on only a six day course though because in five we should have results from the culture, at which point he'll likely change medicines.I told the doctor my expectation was "that Frank would have a PICC Line in next week and ... surgery before Christmas." The Doctor said this was a realistic expectation and time-line.Here's my question for you... do I go back to the original surgeons, and "my home" in Phoenix for this surgery or do I find and use a new doctor closer to home (in Salt Lake City)?Either way the doctor in SLC would have to do the follow-up, post-operative care.
I have support (family & friends) in both cities.
I trust the Phoenix doctor's implicitly.
Frank's Dad is closer to SLC.
Frank could return to his own home and bed and toys sooner here in SLC.
In Phoenix, Jack would be closer to me.
In SLC, Jack would be in Wyoming. I have only been away from Jack twice at night (he's almost four). Jack has never been in day-care or pre-school.
Jack doesn't "need" me much, but I have a HARD time being seperated from him (or Frank).
The surgeon doing follow-up care understands the case better if he also performed the surgery.
I'm having a very hard time separating emotion from this. What would you do?