...at the Laundromat? I was SO EXCITED about this being our last day there! I even brought balloons (and cookies). No. Really. I did. Look...

I brought balloons and decorated the place with them. And when people would walk in and look at the questioningly, I would tell them "We're buying a house tomorrow, so today is our last day at the Laundromat, and THAT is a reason TO CELEBRATE!... Would you like a cookie?"
In case you're wondering. They were Lofthouse Sugar Cookies, with white frosting and Patriotic Sprinkles. And no. No one else ate any. :P Phooey on them!
This truly has been the nicest place I could have washed laundry each week (other than my own home). It's clean. It's bright. And the employees (especially Jolynn, the Manager) are very friendly and nice. If it weren't for the process being so exhausting, it could have been... fun.
Actually, I guess today I showed myself that it could be fun even while being exhausting. Oh well! I'm a little tired for such thoughts right now.
If I were witty, or poetic, I might have something clever to say. To this scene, I'll just say this...

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